Picker's Paradise Presents...
Raffling Paul's Hannigan Tricar on a 1995 honda gold wing gl 1500 se for our place
Our brother and friend Paul Ray left us way too soon.
He did something, though, leaving us more than himself to think about and smile or laugh at the thought of his ever-present ornery grin. Paul left us his trike. The one he and Cowboy – his Blue Heeler – rode in. (Cowboy usually rode in the sidecar, and Paul rode the trike.)
And so, Brother, we’re doing something you’d do if you were still here on this side with us. Throw a party. And, in your honor, we’re making it a place to gather and enjoy each other, good food, and the local talent of our musicians, artists, and creatives of all flavorings. And it seems fitting to go ahead and call it Picker’s Paradise. But we’re not stopping there. It’ll be a blending of the general store where you stop by to see what’s going on, grab a bite to eat, and say, “hey,” to somebody you haven’t seen in a while, the community theater, where you can stand up and sing like a lil’ parakeet, or read a poem you wrote, tell a joke that makes you laugh so hard that you feel the need to infect others with it, a place where we can play a game of pool, foosball, pinball, check out the local artist’s work – be it bead, leather, metal, or woodwork, drawings, paintings, photographs, antiques, and collectibles.
Paul Ray, did we mention we’re using the trike to fund it? No? Well, we are. We had a tornado, as you know, back on April 19th. It made quite the mess, but some stuff got cleared away. Way away. And with it went some finances. No worries. We don’t quit. That’s not in us. We rebuild. So, after asking the Lord’s thoughts on it, and then talking it over, it just makes sense.
Here’s to you, Brother.
Paul Ray Poole
So here’s the details:
1995 Honda Gold Wing GL1500 SE 20th Anniversary on a Hannigan Tricar.
The whole Hannigan Tricar in itself is somethin’. To have a sidecar completely attached in one piece is over the top.
Full disclosure, the trike was last ridden about four years ago, and last started about six months ago.
The minimum “as is” value is $5,000. Come grab your opportunity to own a rare 1995 Honda Gold Wing GL1500 SE 20th Anniversary on a Hannigan Tricar, worth a minimum of $5,000 for only $50. Better still, FIVE entries for $200.
And be part of history, an integral piece in growing a young community of Creatives from all walks and all backgrounds, desiring to exchange ideas, gifts, and skills to build a mutual society of folk who want nothing from others except the above mentioned, and friendships one can rely upon.
That’s it.
And fun.
Living and Loving.
And Respecting. Each other and ourselves.
Dig it.